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The Hand

Four Little Words

Sometimes the Bible speaks loudest in a very few words. In this case, four little ones . Before we get to the words, consider the growing...

A Prince And A Great Man Has Fallen

It was a spring Monday evening, April 8, to be exact, and I was an eleven year old boy camping at High Falls State Park in Jackson,...

I'm Back

It's hard for me to believe that I didn't write a blog for Christmas - something I'd looked forward to doing since I started this site...

I'm Thankful

I'm thankful for Good Friday, for the amazing love displayed on that old rugged Cross, and for the forgiveness and redemption it offers....

Little Bert

"Herbie, line up on the right side and run a down-out-down. " How many times did I hear Bert McDade, Jr. say those words, or something...

The Heart Behind The Mask

The door to the RaceTrac convenience store in Fayetteville, Georgia had not yet closed behind me when I was greeted by a warm, friendly...

Hope For Hurting Hearts

It was a little exchange, one precipitated by my beloved grabbing a dirty glass from the counter and tucking it safely into the...

The Crazy Guy On The Motorcycle

I was out for a ride recently in rural Georgia, south of the suburban community in which I live. Returning home, my route took me up...

Forgiveness and Reconciliation

It's funny how we sanitize so many of the Bible's stories in an effort either to find a simple, positive theme on which to focus or to...

Made For Each Other

This whole coronavirus epidemic has taught me at least one thing. Really, it's not the epidemic, but the whole concept of sheltering in...

The Other Bridge John Lewis Crossed

Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth. 1 John 3:18, NIV All Americans should have - and most...

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